
Legal Floris LLC

This website on Global Asset Recoveries belongs to Legal Floris LLC. The website is provided as a free service available to internet users and use of it does not create any legal relations between the user and Global Asset Recoveries or Legal Floris LLC.

Global Asset Recoveries, and its owner Legal Floris LLC, does not give any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness and/or reliability of any content on this website. While Legal Floris LLC has endeavored to ensure that information relating to Global Asset Recoveries, (offshore) bank failure and investment fraud that is provided on this website is accurate, the editorial views expressed on these pages are not always representative of the views of Legal Floris LLC and no warranty is given as to the reliability of the information contained within these pages or in relation to material linked to or from this website.

Global Asset Recovery is a complex and unique process. As such, we make no representations as to the outcome of our services. Prior results do not guarantee future recovery outcome. Legal Floris LLC assumes no liability for any claims by a third party for loss (direct, indirect or consequential) which may arise from reliance on information contained in the contents of these pages or in respect of any error or omission.

Copyright Disclaimer: 

The information and content on this website on Global Asset Recoveries in the onshore and offshore financial sector belongs to Legal Floris LLC. The information and content is unique provided with care. It therefore qualifies as original content and is copyright protection. The intellectual property of Legal Floris LLC and its websites, including all the information and content on Global Asset Recoveries is protected under international acceptable standards of IP law and copyright protection. As such, all rights are reserved.

Unless expressively otherwise indicated, the content on the website ‘Global Asset Recoveries’ belongs to Legal Floris LLC. Website visitors and all others are prohibited from copying, re-posting or otherwise using these contents for purposes outside the nature of their personal and individual needs. Using the content for commercial purposes is forbidden. Violation of he terms expressed in this disclaimer will be challenged and legal action is inevitable.

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Registered office:
1013 Centre Rd. Suite 403-A
Wilmington, 19805
Delaware – USA

Cyprus office:
Kitiou Kyprianou street 31
3036 Limassol – Cyprus

Postal address:
PO Box 50472
3605 Limassol – Cyprus